Key 2 – Conversation and Curiosity

Sometimes in February when teaching a workshop I will use the little candy conversation hearts with words printed on them as an exercise: Out of the random hearts selected, we try to form a coherent sentence.  The experience often gives way to hilarious laughter.   

But the point of the exercise is much deeper: What is a meaningful conversation, and how can I help create one? How can I be curious about you and get to know you by asking questions?  We are often hesitant to ask others questions, but the reality is that most of us like to be known and heard. Caring friends converse in a caring way.

 A connection is the energy that exists between two people when we feel seen, heard, and valued; when we can give and receive without judgment and when we derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.

 — Dr. Brené Brown

 Thought to ponder:  What was a significant conversation that I had with someone this week?  What makes that conversation notable? What makes it different from the casual conversations I’ve had recently?