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Daring Greatly™- Looking Through the Lens of Grief Virtual 8 Week Workshop

The Daring Greatly™ - Looking Through the Lens of Grief Workshop will creatively and experientially explore the concepts in the book, Daring Greatly by Dr. Brené Brown. The workshop, based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown, will include short videos from Brené. In the workshop, participants are asked to choose an Arena to focus on. We will narrow this focus of the arena to an area of grief in our life. We will be using creative exercises, meditations, journaling and break out discussions designed specifically to engage in concepts toward healthier, inspired, wholehearted and HOPE-filled living. The workshop will be a time of sharing with one another, learning from one another and growing together.

Workshop Dates: Wednesdays Jan. 20th - March 10th, 10 am-12 noon CST

Cost: $250 (Half price discounted rate due to Covid) Includes cost of Daring Greatly Workbook. You will need to purchase the book, Daring Greatly.

Limited to 8 women

To register, and please fill out the Questionnaire and Workshop Informed Consent Form. If you have any questions, email