Golden Life Lessons from Sterling
/Sterling is our silver lab and we adore her. We fell in love with her at first sight when we were on a ski trip and our niece showed us her pic online. We were soon on the phone finding out the details. Sterling has a kind and calm disposition, and has many additional qualities that teach us “golden” life lessons.
Photo taken in pella, iowa.
Sterling and I love to get up early. We sit in the backyard and watch the squirrels, observe the sun come up, listen to the birds, and soak in the solitude together. My morning ritual is integral to creating meaning for the full days of life. I have found it critical to center my heart, focus on the intentions of the day, and notice the things that cross my path. In this photo, I was noticing the texture in her beautiful face.
Photo taken in Dallas, Texas.
Noticing and paying attention are key elements in being mindful. I find it to be a practice that is worth working on. Over and over again. There are so many conversations, interactions, and relationship encounters that I truly value…but the minute it is over I recognize I was distracted with some detail and wasn’t fully present. Practice, practice, practice…and learn from Sterling.
When Roger was sick with cancer, Sterling would not leave his side when we were home. She lay wherever he was. We hadn’t really noticed her instinctual concerns for Roger until one day when he was particularly struggling, she got up on the bed and lay next to him, snuggling in and placing her head on his leg. She normally will not get on the bed, so I knew it was a significant, intentional move of love. When I notice moments of value, sometimes I try to take a picture.
Photo taken in dallas, texas.
Not only in sickness and in sorrow do we learn from Sterling, but in her moments of chasing balls, jumping into water, and greeting others with enthusiasm, we learn to celebrate life and cherish the moments.
PHoto taken at brenton arboretum, iowa.
Roger, my husband, is just crazy in love with Sterling and penned this fitting poem several years ago. Enjoy!
This month we will learn from Sterling as she teaches us some golden life lessons. You are invited to join me in following Sterling’s teaching on Instagram and/or Facebook as a daily post with some fun pics. If you are not on social media, you may download the PDF of daily reflections below.