Advent Calendar of Self-Care

Advent Calendar of Self-Care 

Gentle Reminders to Be Still~Rest~Cherish the Moment

As we approach the holidays, join us in slowing down, taking a few minutes per day, and de-stressing by taking care of your heart in a new way this holiday season. We will be posting a Mindfulness Moment each day in December leading up to the 25th to help you be still~rest~cherish the moment.

The idea of the Advent Calendar of Self Care is to prepare your heart by taking one minute on Dec. 1st, two minutes on Dec. 2nd, three minutes on Dec. 3rd, etc. to embrace the practice of self care throughout the month. Below you will find some suggestions of how to spend some mindful minutes each day which you can adapt to make this calendar your own. I often set a timer so I can enjoy the minutes vs. thinking about the time.

One fabulous way to use this calendar is to “do" none of these suggestions and just pause for the number of designated minutes per day and focus on your breath—being still and focusing on our breath is self care deluxe. One note to remember: if you forget or miss a day, compassionately forgive yourself and start fresh with the next day, this exercise is for de-stressing & self-care not for adding stress, obligation or judgment. For an added bonus that I have found extra enjoyable, add one piece of dark chocolate for each day!

Download the PDF or follow along here on the blog. If you're interested in creating your own tangible version of this Advent Calendar of Self-Care, check out our DIY HERE

December 1 : One Minute – Enjoy the taste of a Peppermint Candy

December 2 : Two Minutes – Touch something from the holidays and pay attention to how it feels – a velvet stocking, a shiny jingle bell, a pine cone 

December 3 : Three Minutes – Listen to a Favorite Holiday Song

December 4 : Four Minutes –  Admire someone’s holiday decorations

December 5 : Five Minutes – Savor the taste of a holiday snack

December 6 :  Six Minutes – Sit for six  minutes

December 7 : Seven Minutes – Think about favorite holiday memories 

December 8 : Eight Minutes – Hum or whistle a few holiday tunes

December 9 : Nine Minutes – Cherish a few moments from the week

December 10 : Ten Minutes – Sip and savor a holiday-flavored tea

December 11 : Eleven Minutes – Light a candle and observe the flame – reflect on a sorrow or hurt of the holidays – give time and attention to that space of hurt in your heart

December 12 : Twelve Minutes – Send an email to a friend requesting a time to connect after the holidays

December 13 : Thirteen Minutes – Recall favorite holiday memories

December 14 : Fourteen Minutes – Listen to the music of The Nutcracker or favorite holiday production/movie

December 15 : Fifteen Minutes – Read a Favorite Holiday Children’s Story

December 16 : Sixteen Minutes – Reflect on the spiritual heart of the holidays for you

December 17 : Seventeen Minutes – Dream of a big wish for holidays to come

December 18 : Eighteen Minutes – Make a cup of hot chocolate and pay attention to the flavor and warmth as you sip– add marshmallows if desired

December 19 : Nineteen Minutes – Prop you feet up and thank your feet for nineteen “steps” they have taken today that were meaningful – say thank you to your body 

December 20 : Twenty Minutes – Enjoy a Bubble Bath or Extra Long Shower

December 21 : Twenty One Minutes – Put your hand on your heart and think of experiences you are grateful for that happen during the holidays

December 22 : Twenty Two Minutes – Reflect on traditions you have enjoyed or currently enjoy

December 23 : Twenty Three Minutes – Draw a simple Christmas Tree or Holiday scene and decorate by doodling with various markers/colors

December 24 : Twenty Four Minutes – Build a fire and pay attention to the warmth

December 25 : Twenty Five Minutes – Take a Walk with family or friends or alone to appreciate and Celebrate the moment of the Beauty of Nature

Download a free PDF of this Advent Calendar of Self-Care HERE